Ms. Todoric is a Business & Computer Teacher and has been teaching for many years in various high schools throughout New Jersey and New York. She has taught k-12th in one district for close to 5 years. Currently, she teaches at the high school level and is teaching Entrepreneurship, Career & Financial Management and Integrated Office Apps. She has a passion to help her students become successful entrepreneurs and pursue their passion in whatever field they please. She is innovative and very creative and is constantly changing the look of her classroom as décor and the environment is very important to her. She helps students build relationships and helps them practice and strengthen their social skills by doing class presentations, working in groups and communicating and sharing ideas with classmates. She teaches them how to network and how important it is to understand cultures and differences within people. She prepares them for the real world, emotionally and socially. Academically, she teaches them how to write a letter, resume and other various business documents they need to start a successful business. Her enthusiasm and inspiration gives students hope. Her new YouTube venture has inspired many of her students to open their YouTube channel and she helps promote them during her journey and connects them with like-minded students from around the globe in a safe academic way. She teaches Internet safety, fraud and scams and gives them real life examples to help them understand the environment we live in.
Ms. Todoric started this website a few months after COVID hit, and her goal was to provide content to her students in an effective way. Once she did get back into the classroom, some students opted to continue remotely and it was because of a middle school students conversation where he wanted to see the classroom and what it looked like that Ms. Todoric decided to create a YouTube channel to show this student what her classroom looked like by giving him the grand tour remotely. The look on his face was a moment Ms. Todoric would never forget as she held a google meet and took her laptop around the room to show this student her bulletin boards and whatever new content she had posted on the wall. He was so happy! From that point on, she decided to film and provide educational content and post whatever she was doing in the course she was teaching at that time. The students gave her inspiration and ideas and that's how her vision an mission came along.
Ms. Todoric's vision is to help all students around the world be inspired to become entrepreneurs one day. Ms. Todoric is on her journey with her YouTube channel and wants to become a successful verified YouTuber to show her students that all things are possible with hard work and dedication. She started her channel on January 1, 2021. Hence the name, TCC21. TCC stands for The Computer Classroom because she was teaching computer classes back then. She now teaches Entrepreneurship and other Business courses.
If Ms. Todoric can do it, so can you! Currently her channel is monetized, which took about 9 months of denials and changes but she never gave up. She continues to create content and wants to learn more editing software and enhance her video creation skills. She started with a cell phone and is still learning as we speak.
Never stop learning.
We hope this website inspires and helps you. Whether you are a student or teacher in any content area, Ms Todoric is here to share her knowledge and resources that worked best for her over her years as an educator, realtor, and entrepreneur. She continues to learn every day and will always share what she has learned to her students and wish them the best along their educational journey. She is a social butterfly who enjoys meeting new people and learning from them.
Enjoy this website and follow her on YouTube for her content and inspiration! She plans to see more students visiting from all over the globe as pictured below. She also wants to learn more languages and teach the basics of these languages to her business students.
After being let go as a tenured computer teacher, (RIF (reduction In Force, Ms. Todoric went to work in the Jail. She spent a couple months there and then found another teaching job. She teaches at Mount Vernon High School. Back in the environment she loves, she currently teaches Entrepreneurship, CFM and Integrated Office Apps.
She remembers asking her students to help her come up with another name to her Business and because she no longer taught in a computer classroom, they decided, The Cool Classroom, keeping the TCC name. She is grateful and thanks her students everyday. Without their ideas and help, this website and YT channel wouldn't exist. Thank you.

La salle informatique
La salle de classe informatique est située à Dobbs Ferry, NY, sur le campus de The Childrens Village dans le Greenburgh Eleven UFSD. Il a été créé pendant la pandémie COVID-19 en 2020. Mme Todoric avait besoin d'un moyen d'atteindre ses élèves et de leur fournir suffisamment de ressources pédagogiques et de leçons en technologie.
Cliquez sur chaque logo ci-dessus pour plus d'informations sur l'école et la communauté
Mme Wendy E. Todoric
Instructeur d'affaires / informatique
Coordonnatrice de l'apprentissage en milieu de travail
Auteur et agent immobilier

Rencontre TpT à New York.
L'histoire d'un universitaire
En tant qu'autorité bien connue dans son domaine d'études, Wendy Todoric est reconnue pour une myriade de réalisations universitaires et un engagement à développer continuellement sa pratique de l'enseignement. Passionnée par la découverte de nouvelles découvertes et le partage des connaissances, elle a eu un impact significatif dans son domaine et dans l'enseignement supérieur dans son ensemble.
Pour beaucoup, les professeurs qu'ils rencontrent à l'université et aux études supérieures deviennent des personnalités influentes pour le reste de leur vie. Wendy Todoric a eu cette expérience avec de nombreux mentors tout au long de sa formation, ce qui a finalement solidifié sa décision de poursuivre une carrière dans l'enseignement et le milieu universitaire.